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To develop the NHX project, we’re using ODOT’s five-phase Project Planning Process. Right now, we’re working on tasks in the Preliminary Engineering phase. 

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This graphic illustrates ODOT’s Project Development Process.

The Planning Phase focused on:

  • Identifying transportation problems

  • Assessing existing and future conditions

  • Identifying stakeholders

  • Gathering public input

  • Determining project scope, purpose, and goals 

  • Identifying project schedule and budget

The Preliminary Engineering Phase focuses on:

  • Conducting initial technical studies, field investigations, and preliminary engineering

  • Identifying and evaluating potential project alternatives

  • Gathering public input

  • Refining information and analyses

  • Conduct the necessary environmental studies

  • Identifying a preferred alternative for construction

Next Steps

A key part of the Preliminary Engineering phase was conducting a Feasibility Study which used the results of technical studies, stakeholder input, and public input to identify and evaluate possible project route alternatives. The Feasibility Study was completed in July 2023 and can be reviewed on the Project Documents page. Click here to view a fact sheet highlighting some of the study's key recommendations.


The next step will be to prepare the environmental document, which more closely examines each proposed project alternative, as well as their potential impacts. This is currently in progress.


The environmental document takes the work begun in the Feasibility Study, which looked at potential alternatives at a conceptual level, and develops them in much greater detail. It’s possible that modifications to the proposed alternatives may be made during this phase.


The environmental document involves detailed technical analyses and extensive coordination with stakeholders, resource agencies, and potentially affected communities.


Upon its completion, the City, BCTID and ODOT will use the results of the studies completed as part of the environmental document to suggest a Recommended Preferred Alternative for further development.

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The Recommended Preferred Alternative

Once the environmental studies are complete, a Recommended Preferred Alternative will be identified. The public will be invited to review study results and recommendations and share their input before a Preferred Alternative is confirmed.


At that point, the project will advance into the Environmental Engineering and Final Engineering / Right-of-Way Acquisition phases of development.



Construction Timing

The bulk of project planning and related work (such as detailed engineering, property acquisition and utility relocations) cannot be completed until a Recommended Preferred Alternative has been identified. Consequently, it’s expected that the bulk of construction will begin no sooner than five years after the Recommended Preferred Alternative is confirmed. However, the NHX project will be completed in phases and some of the phased work that does not require a high level of property acquisitions and utility relocations may be able to start earlier.

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Total project cost estimates will be refined as the project development process advances, and we have a better idea about what specific improvements will be made and where. 


To date, enough funding has been secured to allow project planning to proceed through the Environmental Engineering Phase of project development and begin detailed design. The NHX project partners (City, BCTID, and ODOT) will continue to actively pursue additional funding for subsequent phases of project development and eventual construction.


Funding will likely come from a combination of federal, state, and local resources.



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(PID 115755)

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NHX Project
City of Hamilton
345 High Street | Hamilton, Ohio 45011

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